Whatever Happened to Baby Jane 1962

Topaz 1969

To Kill a Mockingbird 1962

The Train 1965

The Spy who came in from the Cold

The Silence 1963

The Rise and Fall of Legs Diamond 1960

The Man who shot Liberty Valance 1962

The Inocents 1961

The Hustler 1961

The Girl who knew to much 1963

The Eclipse 1962

The Battle for Algiers 1966

The Apartment

The Adventure 1960


Robinson Crusoe on Mars 1964

Polanski in 1965 directing Repulsion
The Music Man

Made in the USA 1966

Lolita 1962

Lawrence of Arabia 1962

Lawrence of Arabia

King of kings 1961

In the Heat of the Night 1967

Hell is for heros

End of the road 1969

Easy Rider

Divorce Italain style 1961

Darling 1965

Bonnie and Clyde

Branded to kill 1967

Blow up 1966

Army of Shadows 1969