sixites slang

My brother has pointed out that the word "Jewel" is not on this list and insists it was a slang word we all used......jewel as in "Cool", like  "That is so jewel" I dunno about that, I think he said until I asked him to stop. For the record, he also insists that he was the first one to think up tuna fish in a can so....




A Gas

A lot of fun.

All show and no go.

Referenced to a car that had all the pretty chrome goodies, but wouldn't get out of its own way.


Used with "Go", "Gone" or "Went". To explode or go completely irate.Example: "When my parents saw my report card, they went ape.


Bare Ass




A tough guy. A guy you really don't want to mess with.


To Steal. Example: Who bagged my towel? ; also see Score
Also; "What's your bag" meaning what's your problem or where are you coming from.


To party, as in Little Richards "Good Golly Miss Molly, Sho Like To Ball".
Later, it meant having intercourse.

Bean Wagon

A Lowered all the way around, usually Hispanic owned Chevy, but could be anything.

Beat Feet

Leave the scene in a hurry.

Bench Racing

When a few of guys are sitting down (on a bench, maybe) talking about how fast a certain person's car is, or discussing who could beat who in a drag race.

Birth Control Seats

Bucket Seats
Bitchin(See also Twitchin')

Good, Exciting, Awesome.



A Great Time. Example: "We had a blast at the Prom".

Blew the doors off

Easily beat the other car in a race.




A car engine that has a blower (supercharger) installed. Goes between the intake manifold and the carburetors/injectors. The blower made it go faster, which was always good.

Blue Flamer

Take a B.A. ( also in the slang section ) and add a big fart...then ignite it with a match..


To "hog" something.

Bone Yard

Auto wrecking yard; Junk yard.


See Cut Out


Leave the area.


Going real fast, usually in a car.


A great or cool thing. Example: "The Beach Boys new record is really boss".



Brew (Brewski)



Also, Brody Out; To skid in a half circle with the brakes locked up.

Brody Knob

See "Suicide Knob"

Buddha Head

Someone of Asian descent. (Pre-Political Correctness)

Bug, To

To irritate or bother

Bug out

Leave the premises

Bummed out


Bummer, What a

How depressing

Burn Rubber

To accelerate hard spinning the tires, making noise, and billows of smoke come from the rear of the vehicle.


A real wimp or an uncool thing.


A guy.


A car body that has been lowered with respect to it's frame, leaving the suspension as it is.


Pristine, Totally Clean. Example: "That rod is cherry"!


A girl or a woman.

Chicken, To play

Two cars race toward each other; the first to pull to the side is the chicken (coward)

Chinese Fire Drill

Stop at a Red Light. Everyone on the Driver's side would run around and get in on the Passenger's side. Everyone on the Passenger's side would run around and get in on the Driver's side.


Really cool or bitchin. Example: "That girl with the tight sweater is really choice."

Choose Off

To pick a fight or a race; as in, "John is going to choose-off Bob in a race for pinks". Or, "Ralph chose-off Bertha after school and she kicked his butt."


To cut down verbally.
Example: "Man, you're so ugly, you gotta slip up on a glass to get a drink of water." (Now that was a "chop".)


A section is cut out horizontally through the roof pillars of a car to lower the roof.

Chrome Dome

A bald guy.

Church Key

Before poptops, a Beer or Soda can was opened with one of these.

Circus Wagon

A car, usually lowered, with an outlandish paint job, but in lousy shape, mechanically.

"Climb it, Tarzan"

An act of defiance. Said while giving someone "the bird".



Cool Head

Nice Guy


Someone who wasn't cool had them. No one ever saw them, but you knew who had them.

Cop a Feel

Touch a girls "parts", sometimes pretending it was an accident


Very good; all right, as in no problems. Example: Everything is copasetic.


Go to bed; go to sleep.

Crop Duster

A car with loud glasspacks.


Driving up and down the same street looking for races, girls, guys, etc.

Cut Out

To leave without ceremony. As in, "Bob, this party is a drag. I'm gonna cut out."

Cut Outs

Additions to the exhaust system that would let you open the exhaust pipe in front of the muffler to let the engine breathe easier, thus adding horsepower and a whole lot of noise.


Actually a 50's term for Man.Thanks to Jeff Kain HHS '71 for this classic

Daddy's Car

A car that was very conservative looking; that might be owned by your parents.


To lower a car in the front. (See Rake)


A term used to indicate that the trunk handle had been removed, the holes filled, sanded smooth and primed. (See Nosed)
Thanks to Donald Scheliga, Class of 62, for this great car slang from the past.

Decked Out

Dressed up.


A 1932 Ford. As in, "She's my Little Deuce Coupe, you don't know what I got".Bob Rierdan (61) gets the credit again for this old stand by.


Most always used with "Got". Example: I "got dibs" on that Coke bottle. Meaning you owned that Coke bottle.
Thanks to Ron Stowe for another great word.


Do you understand?

Dip Stick, What a

An Idiot


An Idiot
Thanks to Marsha Soares HHS63 for this one.

Don't Flip Your Wig

See "Don't have a Cow".

Don't have a Cow

Used when someone was "going ape" or perhaps being a "spaz."
Example: So I took your book by mistake, don't have a cow about it.
Ron Stowe comes through again. Thanks

Don't Sweat It

Don't worry about it; stop bothering me
Thanks go to Larry Bach, HHS 72, for this one.


See Dip Stick


To race another car a short distance (sometimes one block, sometimes two or three blocks) from a standing start at a stoplight when the light turned green. The term originally comes from the phrase "main drag", a combination of "main" or main street in town, and "drag" which referred to a car that was lowered in the back and dragged the ground if it hit a bump while racing or was just so low that it touched the ground if the street was not perfectly level.
Thanks to Peter Schultz HHS66 for this one.

A Drag

Someone or something that's boring or un-enlightening.

Drawing Designs

Usually some guy looking a girl over REAL good. Example: Ron was really drawing designs on Carolyn at the party last night.

Duck Butt, Duck Tail or DA

A way of combing your hair in the back. Instead of combing your hair straight down in the back, you would comb both sides in towards the middle and then, with the end of the comb, part it down the middle.


In the 60's, a dude was a geek or a panty waist.


Another way of saying Goodbye. Example: "Easy, Man!!".
Also a girl who was a sure thing, sexually. Example: That girl Bob took out last night was "Easy".

"El Stinko"

El Segundo.


Great, fantastic, fabulous.

Far Out

Excellent, cool.


A tattle tale. Example: You're such a fink. Why do you always tell mom everything I do? Thanks to Debbie Sims (69) for another great 60's word.

Five Finger Discount

Anything obtained by theft.


Drunk Driving (502 was the State penal code number for the drunk driving infraction at that time)


A useless person.

Flake Off

Get outta here.

Flat Top

A very short hair cut, usually cut extra close on top.

Flat Top with Fenders

A flat top with long sides.

Flee the Scene

See Bug Out

Flip Flops

Thongs (that went on your feet)


Dodge Lancers or Olds Fiesta Hub Caps.

Flower Child

A Hippie


An outstanding looking girl or woman.

Freak Out

Temporary loss of control due to an unpleasant event.


Neat, Cool; also gone bad. Example: I think that milk is funky.
Thanks to Rachel Green for this late 60's standard.

"F**kin' A"

This was simply the vulgar form of, "I concur".


The Police
Thanks to Rick Weaver HHS73 for this standard.

Get or Lay Rubber

To leave some rubber on the street while accelerating in a vehicle. A term used usually with first, second, third, or fourth gear.
Example: "Bob's 49 Ford is pretty fast. He can get second gear rubber."

Gimme some skin

Shake hands


Form of this word made famous by Ed Kookie Byrnes in the song, "Kookie, Kookie, lend me you comb". (Baby, you're the Ginchiest!"Thanks to Pammy Utterback for this entry.

Go All The Way

Have sex with.

Going Steady

If you were "Going Steady", you were dating only one special person.


See Cherry.
Thanks to Bob Ferguson (HHS 65).


Cool, groovy, neat, neato; said of a person, as in He's a real gone cat. Or you could say, I'm gone over him. (wowed, infatuated, totally sold on).Thanks to Bettie Gray for this 50's/60's classic.


Originally a difficult or large wave (He wiped out on a gnarly wave),later anything big or difficult (The Chemistry test was gnarly.), then later an expletive of approval (That custom paint job is gnarly!)
Thanks again to Peter Schultz HHS66 for this great word.


A guy that used too much grease in his hair. Usually "LB Butch Wax" or "Pomade"


A rookie surfer.


Nice, "Cool" or Neat. Used commonly among hippies in the 60's.

Groady (grow'- tee):

A shortened version of grotesque. When we went to wash the car (by hand at the park) we wore our grotees. Also, someone's dorm room if it was "trashed" out would be called grotey.


Mufflers that are packed with fiberglass to muffle the sound. They came in different lengths. The shorter the glasspacks, the louder the car.

Gutt Waddin'

Any type of cheap fast food, to fill you up and take the hunger away. Example:"I'm going to Skippys to get some Gut Waddin."
Thanks to Carl Rilling (HHS 59) for this forgotten term.


Angry, disgusted, mad, ticked off, etc. Sometimes used in reference to parents. "My Old Man is really hacked at me about my grades...."
Thanks to Bob Melendrez HHS'71 for this one that almost slipped through the cracks.


Large; out of control. Example: "Check out the hairy slicks on that Chevy.


Awesome, Cool.Thanks to Debbie Cogan Schreiber HHS72 for this one.

Hangin' a B.A.

A car full of guys pulls up to another car (usually full of girls) and one of the guys pulls down his pants, bends over, and sticks his "bare ass" out the window.
Thanks to Judy DeGrazia HHS64 for this classy entry. (A girl just had to remember this one.)

Hang Loose

Relax; Take it easy.

Haulin (Ass)

See Bookin'

Hauls Ass

A car that really moves.
Example: "Since Ron put the new engine in his car, it really hauls ass!"


The Cops


Deep, Cool, Chaotic, Sad, Controversial


With it. A person who understands the situation.


Very good,cool.


A non-surfer, usually someone who just hangs around the beach.



Hopped Up

See Souped Up


What a girl would call a good looking guy

"It's El Segundo"

That refinery smell is stinking up Hawthorne again.
Thanks Jennie Quevedo HHS'67. "Great local saying"

Ivy Leaguers

A type of men's pants with no pleats, made of polished cotton, and with a buckle in the back.Great word from Dave and Carol Mountain (HHS60) Page. Thanks folks...

Jacked Up

To Raise the front end of a car. Done to transfer weight to the rear wheels for drag racing or just to make your car look cool.
Car shown with Collector Headers.


To leave the area, (See "Cut Out")
Example: "Hey John, this party is going to get busted. I'm going to jam!"
Thanks again to Bob Rierdan (61) for this great word.


Elated, Excited; "This is going to be a great reunion. I'm really jazzed about going."

Jelly Roll

Another way of combing your hair. You comb it up and forward on both sides and bring it together in the middle of the forehead.

Jinx, You Owe Me A Coke!!

When two people said the same thing at the same time, one would slug the other on the shoulder and say these 6 little words.
I don't think anyone ever paid up.

Jump Bad

Looking for a fight - acting tough. As in "I think Jim was drunk last night, he tried to jump bad with everybody!"

Keen or Keen-o

Someone or something that was Cool.
Great word from Larry Bach HHS72. Thanks Larry....


To quickly put a stop to; Put the Kibosh on

Kings X

To proclaim a truce or time out
Thanks to Jerry Miles HHS66 for this one.


To steal.


A cross between kiss-ass and sissy.
Another great word from the 60's Slangmeister himself, Bob Rierdan (HHS 61)

Kiss up

The proverbial "Teachers Pet". This person who would do anything to please the teacher.
This great slang term is from "El Rojo" AKA: Russ Jacobsen (HHS 60) Thanks Russ.

Knocked Up



The bathroom. Stood for Keep Your Bowels Open.


Goodbye; See you later

Lay A Patch/Strip

To accelerate leaving a strip or patch of rubber behind on the road.
This great slang term is from "El Rojo" AKA: Russ Jacobsen (HHS 60) Thanks Russ.

Lay it on me

Speak your piece.

Lay some scratch

To burn rubber in a vehicle. Example: That car is so powerful it can get second gear scratch. Once again, the slangmeister, Ron Stowe comes through.

Lead Sled

Lead was used prior to Bondo to fill in the holes and to do body work. A lead sled was a car that had extensive body fill work done with lead.

Light'em Up

See Burn rubber

Lip Flappin'

Talking about things of little importance.



Loose Finger

Leuzinger High School

Thanks to Mark Osterstock PV High for this one.


To drop a car all the way around. Car shown with Lake Pipes

Make Out

Usually a kissing session in a parked car at a Drive In or other secluded place.
Thanks to Ray Pogue (HHS 61) for this gem.

"Meanwhile Back At The Ranch"

Used when someone who was telling a story would ramble off to another subject. So, the term was used by the listener to get the storyteller back on track. The term itself was no doubt linked to "the Western," which was TV's dominant genre in the late 50s and early 60s. Bonanza, Have Gun Will Travel, Rawhide, The Virginian and many more shows.
This "great saying" provided by Marty Clobucker (HHS 62) Thanks Marty.


As in, "Hey Meat"; A jocks term for "Guy" or "Man"
Bill Sloey is responsible for this classic. Thanks Bill


See Wedgie; Example: "Jimmy the Fink was smarting off to Billy, so I sneaked up behind him and gave him a Melvin."
Thanks to Tom Schell for this one....

Midnight Auto Supply

Car parts obtained through theft.

Mirror Warmer

Usually, a piece of pastel blue or pink cashmere that was attached to elastic and was placed around the perimeter of your inside rear view mirror. It was usually your girl friends idea.
Thanks to Chris Prewitt '67 for this one.


To drop your pants, bend over, and show your bare butt. (See "Hangin a B.A.")

Moons (Baby Moons)

Chrome hubcaps that were smooth and domed. They fit the inner part of the wheel, leaving room for beauty rings.

Neat (Neato)

Nice; Sharp


Meaning "Cool" but usually said by someone who wasn't.
Thanks to Larry Bach HHS72 for this one....


A term used to indicate that the hood ornament had been removed and the holes filled with bondo. The spot was sanded smooth and at least primed. (See Decked)
Thanks to Donald Scheliga,(62), for this great slang word.

Old Lady

Your Mother.

Old Man

Your Father.A pair of classics above from Jeff Kain HHS '72.

On the Make

Usually after a break up of steadies, a guy or girl who was "on the make" was looking very hard for a new mate.
Also, someone who's looking for another someone, sexually.

Outta Sight

Fantastic, Awesome. Example: Hey Kathleen, that tie dyed top your wearing is "outta sight".
This one provided by Kathleen Griffin (74). Thanks Kathleen... Great saying!


Someone's house. Example: There wasn't much to do so we all hung out at John's pad, drank Cokes and listened to records. Thanks again to Ron Stowe for this old standard.


A word "called" by someone that has just seen a car with one headlight. The caller then receives a kiss from the person of their choice.
Thanks to Mo Trott HHS64, for this classic.


Same as a Padiddle only it refers to a car with one taillight.


An activity where usually two or more boys physically remove the pants from another boy so as to cause him embarrassment in a group setting.

Panty Waist

A mama's boy or a geek.

Paper Shaker

Pom Pom Girl

Passion Pit

Drive-in Theater

Peel Out

(See Lay A Patch/Strip)




A type of men's pants, very similar to today's dockers, but with a cuff.Another great word from Dave and Carol Mountain (HHS60) Page. Thanks again...





Pig Out

Over eat


To look hard at someone. Example: Hey Bob, That guy over there is really pinning you. Thanks to Tom Shelley (HHS 62) for this one.

Port Holer

57 T-bird


If someone was going to beat up someone else you said he was going to "pound" the other person. For an example, Joe caught Jim with the hubcaps that he stole from Joe's '50 Merc last night. He'll probably pound him after school. Thanks to Ron Stowe for this entry.


First class.


Palos Verdes. A great place to make out. (Also stood for Pregnant Valley)Thanks to Ray Pogue (HHS 61) for this addition.


Also "On a Rake". To lower the front end of a car.
(Shown with Scavenger pipes) Example: "Carl's short has a bitchin' rake." Thanks to Carlton Rilling (HHS 59) for this classic entry.

Race for Pinks

Also race for pink slips. Meaning two people race and the winner gets the others car.





Rat Fink

(See Fink)


Raw, Rank, Disgusting
Thanks to Karen Graham Kuehl (HHS 59) for this great word.

Real Gone Cat

Someone who marches to his own drummer. Example: The Fonz is a real gone cat.

Right On

I agree; I concur


Extremely fine, beautiful. For us guys it was generally used when talking about the most important areas of our lives; cars and women.
"John's got a righteous new paint job on his '58 Chevy".
"Ron met this righteous babe down at 26th St.".
Thanks to Bob Melendrez (HHS 71) for this "Righteous" addition.

Ripped Off

To have something stolen, or to have stolen something


As in, "Hodads Rule"; To take ownership of
Thanks again to Bill Sloey for this great slang word.


An expression of disapproval. Example: "That cat is really sad."


See Sano


Usually referring to someones car, or part of ones car, as being pristine: "Ron did a sano job on his 56 Chevy".
also "Super Sano" (Very Pristine)


To eat very fast. Example:"I'm going to scarf this hot dog".
A great 60's word from Sandy Edholm Holyoak HHS68. Thanks Sandy


When someone is really interested in the opposite sex. Example: "Jim is really scheming on Jill" Thanks to Lillian McDonald Parra HHS63 for this one.


To obtain something valuable or necessary; (Let's go score some pizza.); Also to go all the way with a girl.
Thanks to Peter Schultz HHS66



Screwed, Got

Cheated out of something

Screwed up

Made a mistake; messed up in the head; intoxicated


A section is cut out horizontally through the body of a car to give it a lower sleeker look.

Sex Pot

A sexy or seductive woman.



Shag Ass

Let's get out of here. Example: "Let's shag ass before the cops get here."

Shake it, Don't Break it!

Said to a girl who had an awesome wiggle in her walk.

Shine It On

Don't give it much thought; just forget about it.

Shined Me/Them On

Ignored me/them, or their comments.




A place of honor in the front seat of a car nearest the door. Usually reserved for the coolest guy in the group besides the driver of the car. If there is a doubt, before entering the car someone will call shotgun and then everyone will argue as to who actually will ride shotgun.


An ugly girl.


See Skag


Gross, Disgusting




Lowdown; undesirable

Skuzz Bucket

An ugly car

Slug BugThis when you saw a VW beetle on the road. Saying "Slug Bug" before anyone else gave you the right to hit or slug the person next to you


A promiscuous girl

So Fine

Another cool or bitchin' thing. "That girl in my science class is so fine".
Used in a variety of early rock and roll songs usually as follows:
"She's so fine, she makes me want to blow my mind".

So Tuff

See So Fine


"Let's see you burn rubber"

Snowing Down South, It's

Said to a girl when her slip was showing.


Something that is ok or all right.


Meaning a person who is stuck-up, snooty, and thinks they are better than everyone else.
Example: "That girl wearing those fuzzy bobby-sox is a real sosh!"
(Now, in the 90's, we know of course, that fuzzy bobby-sox DO indicate superiority.)Thanks again Bob.

So Tough

See Tough

Souped Up

A car that's had the engine modified to go fast. Example: "Bob really souped up his car. It did the quarter in 14.5 seconds!"


Used as a put down, or to describe someone who was acting retarded.
Thanks to Kathleen Nix Griffin (74) for this unforgettable word.


See Cut Out


One big need. Everything you get comes from those around you. AKA; bum. Also practiced by those who are so stingy as not to spend their own money. Someone who is always borrowing money or is always broke. A spongy personThanks to Mike Mawbey for this word.


Someone who was not "Cool". Example: "Jerry's so square, all he does is his homework, watch TV, and he doesn't even like Elvis!"


Being well endowed, "Upstairs" Example: "Wow, that girl is really stacked!!" Thanks to Debbie Sims (69) for this classic 60's word.


Boyfriend or Girlfriend

Stoked (as in I'm stoked)



A car that's pretty slow.



Stood Up

When a guy (or girl) didn't show up for a date

Stuck Up



See Hunk

Submarine Races

A place at the beach or PV, where you would park facing the ocean and wait for the Submarines to start racing. Of course they wouldn't show up, but while you were waiting, you'd make out....for hours until the insides of your lips were raw.
Thanks to Colleen Trott O'Ryan (64) for this great slang.

Suicide Knob

A knob placed on your steering wheel allowing you to drive with one hand, leaving the other free to put around your date.


Half A&W Root Beer and half Orange Drink.Thanks go to Amy Nixon (HHS66) for this local slang word.

Swapping Spit

Those passionate, "get down and really into it", French Kisses.

Swordfish Fights

See Submarine Races
Thanks El Roho HHS60.

Swear to Buddha

I guess we thought it was less irreverant than saying "I swear to God."
Thanks to Marsha Soares West (63).

Sweat Hog

A fat chick.

Sweat Parties

Intense physical exercise after school to make up a non suit (strip) usually at the hands of Messrs Bravo and / or Sevier.
Thanks to Jim Sloey HHS66 for this one.

"Taco Wagon"

See Bean Wagon

"T Bucket"

A hot rod made from a Model T Ford. A two seater, with lots of go. Norm Grabowski, Tommy Ivo, and Edd "Kookie" Burns made them famous on TV. They are still popular.


A Teacher

"The A"

The A&W Drive In (Hawthorne Bl and 136th St)

"The Beach"

Lions Drag Strip in Long Beach

"The Bird"

The Finger.

"The Digs"

The Drags

"The Hill"

The Wich Stand (Slauson and Overhill)

"The Most"

Something that is the best or the greatest (Superbitchin')

"The Man"


Thicker than a $5.00 malt

Someone that's not too bright. Back then, malts were only 30 cents!Thanks to Jeff Kain '72 for this standard.

Think Fast

It usually was used to tell you to get ready because someone was tossing you something.Thanks again to Peter Schultz HHS66 for this great word.


In the 60's, thongs were something you wore on your feet.



"Three On The Tree"

A car with a three speed manual transmission and the shifter on the steering column.


To cruise or drive around without aim. As in: "There was nothing to do last night, so we just went tooling around."
Another great word from Bob Rierdan (61)

Tough or Tuff

Neat, cherry, great, bitchin'. - as in "Wow, she's really a tuff chic!"
Thanks to Bob Rierdan for this old standard.


Cruising the Boulevard looking for girls. As in "Let's go trollin' for some chicks."


As in we're "Truckin" over to Joe's house to party, or Let's "Truck" on over to Holly's and scarf.
Thanks to Ray Castillo (73) for this late 60's classic.

Twice Pipes

Dual Exhaust


The word used instead of Bitchin', around your parents


26th Street in Manhattan Beach.Thanks to Debbie Cogan Schreiber HHS '72. Great local expression.


Running your car with the "Cut Outs" open.


A shoe style. The sole and heel were one piece and on the same plane.


When someone pulls your underwear up from the back and it ends up in the crack all on it's own. Now they call it a thong and wear them on purpose.

Wet Willie

A trick played when someone wets their finger and puts it in your ear.
Thanks to Connie Jax Beverly HHS67 for the two, above.

What's Your Bag, Man?

What's your problem; where are you coming from?


Term of Admiration. Example:"That Chevy that Bob has is one wicked machine." Thanks to Suzy Beal (72) for this one.

Wiggin' out

Going crazyGreat saying from Nancy Rose Sargent (79)


As in, "He gave me the Winnie." Or "I got the Winnie." It could mean many things. For example: The jerk didn't show up for our date last night! Or, I got grounded for coming in late!
When things really got bad, it was the "Big Winnie."
Editors Note: Wasn't there The "Green Winnie" too?
Thanks again to Marsha Soares West (63) for this beauty.

Wipe(d) out

Originally, to fall off a wave while surfing, later to crash one's vehicle and severely damage it (He wiped his coupe out at the drags.), then later a term for extreme fatigue (I'm wiped out, I'm gonna crash.)

Wiz, Take a



An erection.

Woody Wagon

A wood sided station wagon used to transport surfboards and surfers to and from the beach.



Boomers stars no longer with case your not feeling old enough, already

James Arness
Barbara Billingsley ('Leave It to Beaver)
Jack LaLanne
Anne Francis (Honey West)
Leslie Nielsen
Tony Curtis
Jimmy Dean
Dennis Hopper
Lynn Redgrave
John Forsythe
Peter Graves
Pernell Roberts
 Soupy Sales
Mary Travers (Peter, Paul and Mary)
Ted Kennedy
Michael Jackson
 Karl Malden
Ed McMahon
David Carradine
 Dom DeLuise
Bea Arthur
Marilyn Chambers
Ron Silver
Horton Foote (Screenwriter, 'To Kill a Mockingbird')
James Whitmore
John Updike
Ricardo Montalban
Patrick McGoohan
Jane Wyatt  (Spock's Mother on 'Star Trek')
Paul Benedict (Harry Bentley on the sitcom, 'The Jeffersons')
 Eartha Kitt ( Played Catwoman)
Paul Newman
Isaac Hayes
Dody Goodman
Bozo The Clown (Larry Harmon)
George Carlin
Harvey Korman
 Sydney Pollack
 Dick Martin
 Eddy Arnold
Charlton Heston
 Richard Widmark
 Ivan Dixon
 Dave Clark Five Lead Singer Mike Smith
Bobby Fischer
Ike Turner
Dick Wilson('Mr. Whipple')
Joey Bishop
 Norman Mailer
 Robert Goulet
 Lois Maxwell (Miss Moneypenny)
 Alice Ghostley ('Bewitched' )
Brett Somers (Match Game Panelist Regular)
Ingmar Bergman
Tige Andrews (Mod squad)
Denny Doherty (Mamas And Papas)
Yvonne De Carlo
James Brown
 'Yogi Bear' Creator Joe Barbera
 Jan Murray
 Gene Pitney
Oleg Cassini
Maureen Stapleton
Gordon Parks
 Don Knotts
Curt Gowdy 
Billy Cowsill  (Cowsills Lead Singer)
 Richard Bright (The Godfather)

Watts 1969


The Rifleman!

There's another post on here somewhere about the Rifleman, you'll have to look for it, I'm sorry, I don't know where it is exactly. When I was a boy, I thought the Rifleman was the coolest guy out west, but you think about it now, and you think maybe the charecter was little nuts, you know? 

The 87th Precinct was a very, very short lived TV show that was based on a series of police procedural novels and stories written by Ed McBain. McBain's 87th Precinct works have been adapted, sometimes loosely, into movies and television on several occasions.  The series is based on the work of the police detectives of the 87th Precinct in Isola, a district of a large fictional city based on the New York City borough of Manhattan. Other districts in McBain's fictionalized version of New York correspond to NYC's other four boroughs, Calm's Point standing in for Brooklyn, Majesta representing Queens, Riverhead substituting for the Bronx, and Bethtown for Staten Island.
87th Precinct - TV Series
Each novel begins with the same disclaimer: “The city in these pages is imaginary. The people, the places are all fictitious. Only the police routine is based on established investigatory technique."
 In interviews and articles, McBain has freely admitted that his series was heavily influenced by the radio and TV series Dragnet. This introduction, simultaneously evoking and contradicting Dragnet's introductory phrase, "The story you are about to see is true. The names have been changed to protect the innocent," was apparently McBain's way of acknowledging the debt, yet announcing his intention to go his own way in every book.
 The TV version starred Robert Lansing, Gena Rowlands, and Ron Harper, and aired on NBC on Monday evenings during the 1961–1962 television season. The show premiered on September 25, 1961, and ended its first-run episodes on April 30, 1962. The program faced stiff competition on CBS from The Danny Thomas Show and its spin-off, The Andy Griffith Show. At the time, ABC aired the second and last season of another detective program, Surfside 6, starring Troy Donahue and Van Williams.

The show’s star Robert Lansing (1928–1994) later had a hit as General Frank Savage on ABC's Twelve 12 O'Clock High. His costars were Chris Robinson and future U.S. Representative Robert K. Dornan, a Republican from California.

Sixties rocker Sly Stone homeless in Los Angeles

How sad is this?

Yes, Sly Stone, the famous lead singer for the funkadelic R&B band Sly & the Family Stone, is living in a white van Los Angeles.
The singer, songwriter, and record producer, soared to success in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The multi-racial, multi-gender band become one of the most influential of its era. The band's first big hit was "Dance to the Music" and that was followed by "Everyday People" in 1969. But Stone and his band reportedly became heavy illegal drug users after their success, and the band eventually broke up.
Stone is now living and composing on a laptop out of a camper van parked in front of a house in Crenshaw, the New York Post reports. The Post says that a retired couple allows the 68-year-old to shower in their house and feed Stone once a day.
Some have described Stone's slide as a morality tale about abuse of illegal substances and financial mismanagement.
Stone told the Post: “I like my small camper,” he says, his voice raspy with age and years of hard living. “I just do not want to return to a fixed home. I cannot stand being in one place. I must keep moving.”
Four years ago, Stone was living in a Napa Valley mansion.
Born Sylvester Stewart, the second of five children, he grew up singing in church. He emerged as the family's own prodigy, playing keyboards at age seven and mastering guitar, bass, and drums by age 11.
Over the years, Stone has had several "comeback" albums. His latest release, "I'm Back! Family & Friends," came out last month, and features collaborations with Jeff Beck, Bootsy Collins, Ray Manzarek, and Ann Wilson.