Remember Botany 500?

This weeks Marianne Faithfull

Once, [Mick Jagger] came straight off stage to the hotel where I was waiting and he was absolutely terrifying. He was like somebody possessed. I don`t think he even knew who I was. He still had his make-up on and there was a froth of spittle around his mouth and his eyes were violent and he was making grunting sounds. He didn`t say a word; just those god-awful grunts. He picked me up and slammed me against the wall. Several times. Afterwards, I don`t think he even remembered it

Princeton 1967

UNC 1965

Yale 1967

The World According to John Lennon

For our last number, I'd like to ask your help. The people in the cheaper seats clap your hands. And the rest of you, just rattle your jewelry. Royal Variety Performance in London (4 November 1963) attended by Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, and Princess Margaret. John had intended to say "fucking jewelry", but was persuaded against doing so by Paul McCartney and the group's manager Brian Epstein.

The wrold according to George

My idea in "My Sweet Lord," because it sounded like a "pop song," was to sneak up on them a bit. The point was to have the people not offended by "Hallelujah," and by the time it gets to "Hare Krishna," they're already hooked, and their foot's tapping, and they're already singing along "Hallelujah," to kind of lull them into a sense of false security. And then suddenly it turns into "Hare Krishna," and they will all be singing that before they know what's happened, and they will think, "Hey, I thought I wasn't supposed to like Hare Krishna!" Interview with Mukunda Goswami (4 September 1982)

It just annoyed me that people got so into the Beatles. "Beatles, Beatles, Beatles." It's not that I don't like talking about them. I've never stopped talking about them. It's "Beatles this, Beatles that, Beatles, Beatles, Beatles, Beatles." Then in the end, it's like "Oh, sod off with the Beatles," you know? Interview with Selina Scott on West 57th Street, aired 12 December 1987

I had no ambition when I was a kid other than to play guitar and get in a rock 'n' roll band. I don't really like to be the guy in the white suit at the front. Like in the Beatles, I was the one who kept quiet at the back and let the other egos be at the front. Interview with Selina Scott on West 57th Street, aired 12 December 1987

He was annoyed 'cause I didn't say that he'd written one line of this song "Taxman." But I also didn't say how I wrote two lines of "Come Together" or three lines of "Eleanor Rigby," you know? I wasn't getting into any of that. I think, in the balance, I would have had more things to be niggled with him about than he would have had with me! When asked about John Lennon's feelings towards George's autobiography, interview with Selina Scott on West 57th Street, aired 12 December 1987

Rap music is just computerised crap. I listen to Top of the Pops and after three songs I feel like killing someone. Quoted in The Beatles — After the Break-up : In Their Own Words (1991) by David Bennahum, p. 54

I felt in love, not with anything or anybody in particular but with everything. of first taking LSD, The Beatles Anthology (2000), p. 177

If everybody who had a gun just shot themselves there wouldn’t be a problem. The Beatles Anthology (2000), p. 226

You can be standing right in front of the truth and not necessarily see it, and people only get it when they’re ready to get it. The Beatles Anthology (2000), p. 267

That's what the whole Sixties Flower-Power thing was about: 'Go away, you bunch of boring people.' The Beatles Anthology (2000), p. 296

Peter Fernandez

Peter Fernandez (83) voice actor who provided the voice of Speed Racer when that animated Japanese TV series came to the US in 1967—and wrote the American lyrics for the show’s theme song. Fernandez died of cancer in Pomona, New York on July 15, 2010.(From Life in Legacy)

Ralph Houk

Ralph Houk (90) third-string catcher for the New York Yankees who later won three straight American League pennants and two World Series championships in his early seasons as the team’s manager (1960-73). Houk died in Winter Haven, Florida on July 21, 2010.

                                              Houk on right


Lawrence of Arabia

Club Secretary: I say, Lawrence. You are a clown!

T.E. Lawrence: We can't all be lion tamers

The Rolling Stones

I knew what I was looking at. It was sex. And I was just ahead of the pack.-- Andrew Oldham, Manager of the Rolling Stones, quoted in Philip Norman, The Stones (1984)

Of course, I do occasionally arouse primeval instincts, but I mean, most men can do that. They can't do it to so many. I just happen to be able to do it to several thousand people. It's fun to do that.-- Mick Jagger

At the moment I have no time for acting, but when it's all over, I think I'd like to go to drama school. I rather go for the contemporaries like the John Cassavetes film Shadows; there was no script, the whole thing was ad-libbed.-- Mick Jagger

Bond...James Bond